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RC Laser Winter Series at Fleetwood Model Yacht Club - Week 1

by Tony Wilson 13 Jan 2016 19:28 UTC 10 January 2016
RC Laser Winter Series at Fleetwood week 1 © Ken Crabtree

Sunday 10th January was the first club event of the year on the Marine Lake after having over a month of no sailing for some, as the lake had been plagued with weed.

Now weed free, it was interesting to see who would actually turn up for a day of high winds. Thumb twiddling and "do we sail or not, or maybe even go in the neighbouring lake" (as the waves did look very choppy) muttered the fleet.

Tony was eager to try out his new toy (camera) on the boat, and it was not long after this before he was joined with a handful of skippers ready to race.

The middle third of the lake was the bit we would use to avoid the turbulent water at either end. D rigs on, and Trevor set a simple triangle course to see if we could manage even a lap.

If you've not sailed in wild conditions before, you will soon realize it can be very difficult to tack. The procedure most of us adopted was: if doesn't work first time, then simply use the gybe option.

Peter won the first race showing the boys the correct route to take. While Tony excused himself and sacrificing his first couple of races burdened with the onboard camera, which he would be able to use as his later discards, if his boat survived.

The next couple of races were won by Eric. Boy could he point upwind and tack on a dime, with his tightly adjusted sail. He did however seem to struggle on the run with the ducking and diving.

Jim was also able to notch up a couple of firsts, after sorting out a couple of teething problems. As a matter of fact nearly everyone sailing was able to post a win, or at least a second.

5 races sailed in quick succession before lunch and for some adding up to be done.

A further 5 sailed in the afternoon with the wind dropping only a whisper. We did mainly remain dry apart from a brief couple of minutes of light rain mix hail shower.

If you've never sailed at Fleetwood you are missing out on a great lake. One of the best facilities for Sailing in the North West. Lakeside parking, and good access.


1st Tony Wilson
2nd Eric Reid
3rd Peter Isles

Next race in a fortnight 24th January. And then two events in February.

Guests always welcome; pre-book for spare loan boat if interested@

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